Thursday, August 19, 2010

Left Handed Wisdom

Sophia is the is the weapon!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Return of Left Handed Sophie

Left Handed Sophie is the world's 1st viral multi-media mythology!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sophia...The Living Comic Book, Thanx Black Comix!

Left Handed Sophie was featured on the cover of "Black Comix" a lovely coffee table book celebrating the achievement of great Black Comic Book Artists. 1st I would like to thank all the brilliant artists(my brothers and sisters)who are truly bringing a Black Comics Culture 2 life, this is truly a dream for all of us. 2nd I'd like 2 thank the wonderful brother John Jennings who sought out the (earthly)creator,artist and keeper of Left Handed Sophie...our very own Mr.Alphonzo(Phonzie)Davis Jr.! We have very little resources and this movement wouldn't be anything without those who appreciate Mr. Davis' Artwork and by extension The "LHS" movement! Thanx again and god bless!

Sophia...The ppl's princess...The ppl's mytholo-"G"!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The People's Princess Reborn...The Saga is Formless...You've been Warned.